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Sess. , 1988, c. 1102, s. 3. The Board of Governors shallhave power to appoint from its own number committees which shall be clothedwith such powers as the Board of Governors may confer. No committee may reversea decision concerning policy taken by the Board of Governors at a regularmeeting. 1971,c. 1244, s. 1. To this end it shallgovern the 16 constituent institutions, subject to the powers andresponsibilities given in this Article to the boards of trustees of theinstitutions, and to this end it shall maintain close liaison with the StateBoard of Community Colleges, the Community Colleges System Office and theprivate colleges and universities of the State. The Board, in consultation withrepresentatives of the State Board of Community Colleges and of the privatecolleges and universities, shall prepare and from time to time revise a long rangeplan for a coordinated system of higher education, supplying copies thereof tothe Governor, the members of the General Assembly, and the institutions.

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Even given the confusing and sometimes conflicting results with respect to failure in small businesses, some common themes can be identified. The reasons for failure fall into three broad categories: managerial inadequacy, finance, and environmental. They, in turn, have some consistently mentioned factors see Table 1. 5 "Reasons for Small Business Failure". These factors should be viewed as warning signsdanger areas that need to be avoided if you wish to survive. Although small business owners cannot directly affect environmental conditions, they can recognize the potential problems that they might bring. This text will provide guidance on how the small business owner can minimize these threats through proactive leadership. Ultimately, business failure will be a company specific combination of factors. Monitor101, a company that developed an Internet information monitoring product for institutional investors in 2005, failed badly. One of the cofounders identified the following seven mistakes that were made, most of which can be linked to managerial inadequacy:Roger Ehrenberg, Monitor 110: A Post MortemTurning Failure into Learning, Making It!, August 27, 2009, accessed June 1, 2012, mall Business Entrepreneur Story Failure. htm.
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