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Despite these disappointments, Gauquelin acknowledges that Choisnardinspired his application of statistics to astrology, for whichChoisnard's tables of planetary positions were "easy to use and were fora long time indispensable to my work". Choisnard had also inspired hisuse of birth data taken from registry offices. "Choisnard was, withoutdoubt, the first to have had the idea of using this valuable source ofinformation bequeathed to us by the Committee of Public Welfare"Neo Astrology 1991:158. Krafft 1900 1945 believed he knew the answers in advance of anyresearch. His Traite d'Astro biologie 1939 "forms the mostindecipherable mass that one could imagine . He never gives the rawdata on which his arguments are based. He replaces them with adebauchery of 'suggestive' graphs have the malicious gift ofmaking statistics show what they do not show at all" L'Influence desAstres 1955:39. Like Choisnard's, Krafft's results did not exceedchance fluctuations and did not replicate with large samples. His geniusfor error was extraordinary, for example in a sample of 115 musicians heattributed great significance to the absence of Moon conjunct Uranus incertain signs even though the slowly moving Uranus could not have beenin those signs in the first place, see Figure 1. Figure 1. Krafft's findings for musicians.