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The order of topics covered will vary from class to class. Most Basic Polygraph Examiner's Courses for this institute are completed in a ten consecutive week cycle. Nevertheless, all basic courses offered will be completed in not fewer than 10 nor more than 17 weeks according to accreditation standards. Read below for an in depth explanation of the benefits of the PEAK Basic Course. The Basic Examiner's Course fee is $4,995. 00 USD and is generally due prior to the beginning of the course of study unless other arrangements are made through the training center.

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Sometimes, life just isn't fair and I determined it was time for me to look for help in fighting my obesity. On the outside I seem normal but look bigger. On the inside, I am ill and there is a war waging with my diabetes. So, I am preparing to have gastric bypass to use as my tool to healthier living. I've tried everything I can think of on my own. Sometimes the forces of nature are greater than yourself and that is when help is needed. I'm willing to do my part but I have come to the realization that I can't keep doing it the way I've been doing it. Not all overweight people are lazy overeaters looking for an easy way out however yes, some are. I know I do not fall into that category and I am grateful I have a way to live a healthier life and will finally be able to see the fruits of all of my workouts by finally looking and being healthier inside and out!@traveler04. Good luck with the surgery. I had it done about 9 years ago and, although it is an excellent tool for losing weight i dropped about 125 lbs, a good diet and exercise program will definitely be needed to maintain the weith loss as this surgery is not a cure for obesity.