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Instead of the isolation of the pre war school from political life the school has become political. In addition to the formal curriculum good civic education is attentive to the informal curriculum. Factors owing to lack of mastery of what has been taught faulty methods of work or study and narrowness of experimental background may affect the learning process of any pupil. Arch Phillips Jr. Nursing can and must chart its own course in the midst of these social economic and political changes. 1.

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What Mooney forgot to mention, was that one of the test subjects was one of his own students, someone who had earlier participated in one of his Lin Kong Jing demonstrations!But even this student failed to yield a positive test result!Further, if the effects of Lin Kong are so easily defeated, then how can Mooney claim it has any martial value whatsoever?Having failed, miserably, at the tests Mooney himself helped design and which were conducted on the date, time and in the manner he agreed to, and having posted his response to the results of his failure, Mooney later demanded his response be removed just as he has demanded his various responses be removed in this blog posting. But a rebuttal to his posting is still available here:to the empty force test. htmI don't really feel the need to respond to the name calling, or the claims that I've been prescribed some kind of medication I thought Mooney was the one requiring medication?since he's confusing me with someone else, someone with whom he obviously has a history. But he brings up an interesting point, why did he have a successful seminar in England, right after failing so miserably in the double blind tests earlier?The same question can be asked of the Kiai Master shown in the youtube video. The Kiai Master was obviously able to perform his stunts on his students, but he failed terribly against people not trained programmed?to respond how he wants them to respond. The same is true with Mooney. Is Mooney a charlatan?I think the answer is "probably not. " I think he really believes he is capable of doing these things, just as the Kiai Master truly believed he could do these things, and like Mooney, was proved wrong. This belief is further built up by the students who attended his classes and seminars, and who were, for the most part, True Believers to begin with and heavily invested in the process. As can be seen in many martial arts, the teacher is viewed upon as being almost super human. I've experienced first hand a "master's" fawning students tell me they saw something happen, which was totally different from what actually happened as proven by the video.
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