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To this end, students may not record, reproduce, screenshot, photograph, or distribute any video, audio, or visual content from their online courses. This restriction includes but is not limited to:As we engage in online learning as an academic community, it is imperative to be respectful of all. Keep in mind that if any student is identifiable in an online class recording, this may constitute a violation of the educational record protections provided under FERPA. Students with disabilities who need to record classroom lectures or discussions must contact the Disability Services Program to register, request, and be approved for an accommodation. All students are advised that students may tape classroom activities for this purpose. Such recordings are to be used solely for individual or group study with other students enrolled in the class that quarter/semester. They may not be reproduced, shared in any way including electronically or posting in any web environment with those not in the class in that quarter. Students who violate this policy will be reported to The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities and may be subject to both legal sanctions for violations of developed by the Disability Services Program more information and updates available at the DSP Faculty and Staff websiteAny participant who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact us privately to discuss their specific needs. Additionally, please contact the Disability Services Program DSP located in room 440 of Ruffatto Hall; 1999 E. Evans Ave. to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

Examination Of Body Fluids
11, third par. , P. D. No. 49c The reproduction or communication to the public by mass media of articles on current political, social, economic, scientific or religious topic, lectures, addresses and other works of the same nature, which are delivered in public if such use is for information purposes and has not been expressly reserved: Provided, That the source is clearly indicated; Sec. 11, P.
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Research Unplugged: Hit the Books!is a program designed by archives staff to meet the historical inquiry and skill development portions of history curriculum for grade 10. With the help of archives staff, students will be given the opportunity to examine life in Oxford County and Canada from either the historical period between 1914 to 1929 or 1929 to 1945. Students will be gathering information from both primary and secondary sources. Using a worksheet and working in groups, participants will be asked to find the answers to a number of questions; the answers will be found in a variety of archival records. Topics students will be researching include: political history, the history of social programs, business and industry, entertainment, gender roles, life on the home front, propaganda and the role of Oxford County residents during WWI and WWII. Students will learn how to determine the differences between primary and secondary sources and utilize a variety of historical records.
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1973; 242: 48 156. Controlled and uncontrolled vocabulary subject searching in an academic library catalog . Information Technology and Libraries. 1991; 103: 201 211. Muddamalle MR. Natural language versus controlled vocabulary in information retrieval :a case study in soil mechanics. Journal of American Society for Information Science 1998; 4910: 887.
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He always loved to hug her into his bosom and deeply smelt her well smelled long hair. He always told to her that we should together with each other forever no matter where. She listened to him and pressed herself against his bosom, after a long time they didn't separate. He wanted seek a thing to witness their love. Soon afterward he found a cartier bracelet which fitted to witness their in the cartier shop, told his original intention to the salesclerk who was very considerate and understood the meaning so he commended the boy to order the cartier bracelet to express they love. The bracelet worked well soon, he sent the bracelet to her, and she accepted very happily.