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29,143 153. 2011 Nov 25, Epub ahead of print. 86. Z. I. Khamis, Z.

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Any requests to add or to remove a co author, to rearrange the co author names must be sent to BEH by the Corresponding Author before the final acceptance by the Editorial Board. The eventual request must contain the explanation of the request together with the scanned confirmation signed by all of the co authors. Peer review proceduresEditors of Business and Economic Horizons BEH are committed to the highest standards of ethics in academic research and publishing. Ethical conduct in both writing and editing is necessary in order to provide the readers with accurate, useful and reliable scientific material, as well as to appropriately honor the credits of particular researchers and authors. Therefore, compliance with the following standards of publication ethics is required of all contributors of BEH, including authors, reviewers and editors. Violation of any of these standards by an author is a basis for rejection of his or her paper submitted for publication. I. Authorship and Co authorship1. AuthorshipAuthorship credit should be based on meeting the following criteria: 1 substantial contribution to the paper concept or design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2 drafting the article or reviewing and introducing fundamental changes in it; 3 final approval of the version to be published. All persons designated as authors and co authors should meet these criteria. As co authors of a paper, there should be identified all persons who have made significant scientific contributions to the work reported, and who therefore share responsibility its content and results.
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Board in memorandum format refer to AR 25 50 Preparing and Managing Correspondence for memorandum format specifics . TO Gaby Duane FROM Clark Thomas RE Loman s Fashions Breach of contract declare promoting round DATE April 26 2002 QUESTION PRESENTED 1 Below Workplace Memo Format and Clarification. The format may be altered to meet a specific need. Here you can start arranging the draft before you actually write the letter. 1. Size A4 nbsp DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. MILPER Message 11 394 Special Instructions for Soldiers on Assignment Instructions to United States Army Europe USAREUR Units in Germany and 1 A Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss FLIPL is the manner in which the Army accounts for the circumstances surrounding the loss damage or destruction 1. Each memorandum has a different kind of format and follows unique writing style. tex and TODO template. AFZC YB MD your unit s office symbol Date MEMORANDUM Thru Chief of Housing 1525 Evans Street Fort Carson Colorado 80913 . AR 600 63 Army Health Promotion dated 14 April 2015.
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Will the Sinhala Buddhist Maha Sangha accept any Tamil Buddhist monks?Will the Tamils accept Mahavamsa as a part of Buddhism or Buddhist history knowing very well that it is a Sinhala Buddhist mythology?Prof. Sunil Ariyaratne's dream of future Tamil Buddhists is very genuine and apt during this period. As he says, it may recreate the togetherness, the common bond that once existed between the Sinhalese and Tamils. It will not be a surprise if Nanda Malini sings about the Damila Buddhayo of the past and the future but can his dream materialize?Of course, miracles do happen; Martin Luther King Junior's dream came true so let us have some hope. The Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka, better known as Sinhala Buddhism or Mahavamsa Buddhism is different from the Theravada Buddhism practiced in other countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and so on. The Buddhists in these countries follow only the Buddhist scriptures Tripitaka Viniya, Sutta, Abhidhamma, whereas in Sri Lanka the 'Mahavamsa,' which was written by one of the Mahavihara monks Ven. Mahanama more than 1000 years after the passing away of Lord Buddha is also considered as a part of the Buddhist scriptures, although it deals mostly with mythical or supernatural Buddhist history, some episodes of which are copied from the 'Mahabaratha' and 'Ramayana. ' Since the Buddhist scriptures Tripitaka and the mythical Buddhist history Mahavamsa were both written in the Pali language, a Buddhist layperson who does not understand Pali cannot understand the difference between the two and, therefore, he/she believes everything that the Buddhist monks preach, to be the true words of Buddha. Due to ignorance, even the present day Sinhala Buddhists still believe that they are blood relatives of Buddha because, according to the Mahavamsa, their forefather Pandu Vasudeva belongs to the Sakya clan, and is a relative of the Buddha where as the historians believe that the term Pandu' in Pali means Pandyans. According to Buddhism, a person ordained as a Bikkhu should practice Ahimsa non violence, Karuna compassion, Metta affection, and Maithriya loving kindness towards fellow humans, irrespective of race or religion, not only by words but also in his thoughts and action. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka, due to the influence of the Mahavamsa, a Buddhist Bikkhu is at liberty to engage in racist politics and promote Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism and hatred, as we see today.