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Court of Appeals, G. R. No. 160379, 14 August 2009, 596 SCRA 57 citing Benguet Corporation v. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mines Adjudication Board, G. R. Outhwaite. Bears, Bush Creatures and Battlers, Teacher's resource kitpublished in conjunction with the 5 Australian Children's Book Stampsissue. Envelope features reproduction of "Fairy Islands", also variousIRO items in the kit. Australiana Classic Children's Books Stamp seriesdesigned by Peter Leuver and including IRO images, Australia Post, 1985. Items include: Sheet of 100 stamps including 20 Elves and Fairies;Strip of 5 Stamp Pack; Strip of 5 First Day Cover New Fairy design available with 100's of different Australian town postmarks; Strip of 5First Day cover "Children's Folklore" envelope design; One each ofthe five stamps First Day Cover New Fairy design; One each of thefive stamps First Day Cover Original artists, including IRO,reproduction on envelope with illustrated postmark on stamp; Strip of 5Maximum Card New drawing by Alan Puckett; Set of 5 different Maximumcards with the five different stamps and postcard sized reproduction ofstamp on front.
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Being in the center of arts and entertainment surrounds Snapchat with energy, he said. Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt told The Times recently that its hard to predict how big Southland tech will become, but that theres reason for optimism with companies like Snapchat and Space Exploration Technologies Corp. building global brands. If you look at the benefit of Caltech and USC and UCLA and the quality of the programs they have, they are producing the people that are needed to produce the local winners, Schmidt said. The data driven and stock rich Silicon Valley has begun to fuse with Southern Californias content fueled, cash hungry culture to build a brand for tech in Los Angeles. Hollywoods interest in experimenting has led Northern California companies such as Netflix, YouTube, Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. to build larger presences in Los Angeles County. And an untold number of app makers are following suit, finding it essential to be close to the content makers who could be crucial in making their products popular. The endorsement of technology start ups has flowed deep into the entertainment industry. Shows such as NBCs The Blacklist and ABCs Modern Family now use a mobile app called Sync OnSet to store photos of props, costumes and sets that production managers had once stashed into three ring binders.
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The advertisement shows the widespread opposition to the bill, and argues against it on the basis of taxpayer spending and education. This article from the Bellingham Reveille, from September 24, 1924, page 1, reports on a coalition of religious leaders in Seattle who opposed the Initiative en masse. In addition to federal courts that declared a similar bill, passed two years earlier in Oregon, unconstitutional, religious, publishing, and civic leaders opposed the bill as an attack on civic liberties and Catholics. An article from the Yakima Morning Herald from August 10, 1924, arguing against Initiative 49 because citizensno matter who they arehave the right to educate their children in either public or private schools deemed adequate by authorities. Despite the Klans efforts to tap into anti Catholic hysteria to bring in support for the bill, newspapers and educators came together to defend both Catholics and civic liberties around education. The Catholic Northwest Progress, the main Catholic newspaper in the Northwest, played a large role in informing Northwest Catholics about the passage of a similar bill in Oregon in 1922 and the Klans efforts to pass one in Washington State.