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4 miles wide last year, has shrunk dramatically. Now it is only 3. 5 kilometers long and roughly 1. 8 kilometers wide, said Clifton. Kleifarvatn is draining at about one centimeter one third of an inch a day, according to Clifton. You can almost see the lake level drop, she said.

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Michaels national security portfolio includes counseling on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and other national security laws, government contracting, foreign based investments in or threats to U. S. infrastructure, and handling of classified information. For 12 years, prior to joining the firm, Michael held several positions within the Department of Justice. He was a senior counsel in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, where he investigated and prosecuted computer intrusions and other internet related crimes. At the U. S. Attorneys Office for the Eastern District of Virginia, Michael prosecuted white collar and violent crimes, and conducted grand jury investigations and jury trials. Michael began his work at DOJ as special assistant to the assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division. Michael was a contributing author to DOJ's manuals on Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations and Prosecuting Intellectual Property Crimes. Hacks, by Donna Brazile 2017Privacy Partner Michael Sussmanns work helping the DNC respond to Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election is discussed in book by former DNC chair.
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